Amateur Radio ARRL Field Day, a national emergency communications exercise, will be held June 22 and 23, 2024. Thousands of Amateur Radio operators across the United States and Canada will be participating.
Locally, the Damascus Emergency Communications Team (DECT) and the Montgomery Amateur Radio Club (MARC) will take part in Field Day at the
Damascus Volunteer Fire Department Activities Center Pavilion
10211 Lewis Drive in Damascus, Maryland
The public is invited to visit!
This is the tenth year that DECT and MARC will be partnering for this most popular Amateur Radio event of the year. As we practice our emergency communications skills, we invite the public to see what we do, ask questions, view our radio equipment and witness the latest in radio science and technology. Kids, as well as their parents, will get an opportunity to operate on the air, always a fun experience—as well as a great way to introduce science to young people.
What and why 24-hour contesting?
contesting is an integral activity of Field Day. The goal is to
contact as many other stations as possible. Points are awarded and
stations across the United States and Canada recognized for the
number of contacts made. It is great fun but also has a serious
purpose—to practice emergency communications preparedness. Because
the ARRL Field Day rules restrict contesting stations to operate on
alternative power in austere environments, it is also practice in
operating radio gear in abnormal situations and less than optimal
conditions. We use these same skills when we help with non-emergency
events such as marathons and bike-a-thons; fund-raisers such as
walk-a-thons; celebrations such as parades; and exhibits at fairs,
malls and museums.
24-Hour Contesting at the DECT/MARC Field Day
Dedicated operating positions will be set up for 10 meters, 15 meters, 20 meters, and 40/80 meters, to take advantage of improving band conditions and allow the use of single band antennas to help reduce interference. We will also operate a 6M station, if there is an interest.
Several of these stations to be dedicated radio stations available for any ham to operate, so the operator does not have to bring his own radio equipment. Scheduling times will be made available before Field Day. Of course, hams are welcome to bring their own equipment to operate their own station as well. Scheduled times will also be made available to contest from the MARC Communications Trailer. The public information table will operate a 2M radio station for call-in and public demonstrations.
Please consider volunteering to assist at DECT/MARC ARRL Field Day 2024. A successful Field Day depends on members pitching in to help. Some of the activities we are looking for help with:
Set up Friday and take down Sunday
Station operators and loggers
Satellite QSO
Public Outreach
Media Publicity
Public Information Table
Social Media
Invite elected officials and heads of served agencies
Escort public/VIPs as required
Bonus points for messaging
Message Origination to Section Manager
Message Handling
W1AW Bulletin
Alternate Power
Educational activity
GOTA Bonus/Logging
Youth Participation
Safety Officer.
Scout mentoring and training
To volunteer or if you have any questions, contact Paul, N3RQV at N3RQV @
Click on the presentation by Aleks, W3JAG on DECT/MARC Field Day 2024 planning
Click on the presentation by Paul, N3RQV on DECT/MARC Field Day 2024 planning